Sunday, November 20, 2011

Research update #583: Impression management and a lot more

Okay, I've got a lot of ground to cover this time, so buckle up...

Let's start with the December issue of IJSA:

- Looks like how much applicants try to make themselves look good varies by country

- Is applicant faking behavior related to job performance? Kinda depends on your definitions.

- Research has found that emotional intelligence can be related to work attitudes. This appears to be in part because of an increased situational judgment effectiveness.

- Speaking of situational terms of job knowledge, knowing what to do is different than knowing what not to do

- What impact does a resume have on a recruiter? Depends on what assumptions they make about you after reading it.

- How to people select--and continue with--an executive coach? By looking at things like their ability to forge a partnership.

- How do Canadian firms do in terms of using tests other than interviews? Not so well, it turns out.

Let's move to the October issue of JASP, where there's just one article but it's a good one. Researchers continued the (depressing) finding that applicant names impact pre-interview impressions. Specifically, the more a name was Anglicized, the more favorable the impression was when hiring for an outside sales job.

Next comes the November issue of JAP:

- A new meta-analysis of the FFM of personality and its relationship to OCBs and task performance.

- Measures of interest haven't gotten a lot of love as selection devices. Looks like we need to tease out the constructs a little because they could be more helpful than we thought.

- Applicants trying to create a certain image during an interview are better off doing this after an initial flub or relying solely on self-promotion rather than making up an image.

A few from the November issue of JPSP:

- Another on impression management (not selection-specific) that goes into more detail about the topic (e.g., how many tactics people use, their accuracy)

- A caution about using the Revised NEO-PI in different cultures due to DIF.

Next, a call for more transparency in false-positive findings.

Last but not least, those of you interested in the potential of social ratings of performance being used for selection might be interested in this study of, which found student ratings are likely to be useful measures of teacher quality.


Unknown said...


Lot of contents this time. So I'll also take my time to read through all. Just wished to discuss "Applicants trying to create a certain image during an interview". I'm quoting another study which indicated that Ingratiation is equally good as Self-Promotion.

BryanB said...

Thanks for the link, Gaurav!