Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Research update

Several research updates this time, including fascinating studies of how computers can assist with interview training, and how a brief writing exercise can lower stereotype threat for women:

International Journal of Selection and Assessment, December, 2016:

- International support for the cultural intelligence scale

- Looking to improve applicant interview performance? Maybe a computer can help.

- This study found that time lag and g-loading are important factors impacting re-testing results

- Status-seeking seems to be an important individual difference when looking at self-presentation behaviors, including exaggeration and faking in job search

- Development and validation of a 360-degree measure of leadership personality

Personnel Psychology, Winter 2016:

- Do CEOs significantly impact firm performance?  This study found evidence that they do.

- More evidence that the assumption that performance is normally distributed is questionable

- A more accurate correction for range restriction is presented, and an example analysis indicates the relationship between the Big 5 and job satisfaction may be greater than previously believed

Journal of Organizational Behavior, November, 2016 (which includes several articles devoted to the importance of theory in organizational sciences):

- Are self-focused or other-focused recruiting advertisements more effective?  This study suggests it depends not only on cultural differences but individual regulatory focus

Journal of Applied Psychology, October, 2016:

- A suggestion for improving meta-analytic structural equation modeling

Journal of Applied Psychology, November, 2016:

- A fascinating study of how having women compose a brief written description of their personal values can help ameliorate stereotype threat in competitive environments

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