Saturday, July 30, 2016

Welcome to Sacramento, IPAC'ers!

This year, IPAC's annual conference is here in my home of Sacramento from July 31 - August 3.  I'll be there Monday afternoon for a session titled "Fits and Starts: The Evolution of Testing for the State of California (Special Invited Session)", where I'll be interviewing my good friend, Adria Jenkins-Jones.  Here's the description:

In this lively discussion, the presenters will discuss the current state of employment testing for the state of California, including significant recent and upcoming changes to our examination software. Using an interview format, the presenters will discuss the massive changes envisioned for statewide testing, and how the California Department of Human Resources is attempting to collaborate with stakeholders to change the traditional paradigm, and significantly improve automation, while maintaining the commitment to merit. The presenters will engage in open dialogue and there will be time for audience members to ask questions about current and future directions of testing for the state.

Feel free to use the comments section below to post the sessions you plan on attending, or anything about your experience!

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