Sunday, February 27, 2011

Spring '11 P-Psych: Leadership, interviews, competency modeling

It's journal season--this time let's take a look at the Spring 2011 issue of Personnel Psychology:

First up, Derue, et al. with an important meta-analysis on leadership effectiveness. After looking at 59 studies, they found that leader traits and behaviors explained a minimum of 31% of leadership effectiveness. Interestingly, group performance (which I would argue is the most important criterion) was the most difficult to predict. Behaviors tended to explain more than traits, but the authors suggest a model where behavior mediates the relationship between traits and effectiveness is warranted. Not surprisingly, the best trait predictor depended on the criterion: conscientiousness predicted leader effectiveness, group performance, and follower job satisfaction the best, while satisfaction with leader was best predicted by leader agreeableness (reminds me of a recent IJSA study). The same was true with leader behaviors, although consideration was a good predictor across the criteria. A must for anyone interested in leadership research, and you can read an in-press version here.

Next, a piece by Melchers, et al. on whether more interview structure really leads to better rating quality (I'll ruin it for you: yes). Specifically, using a sample of primarily undergraduates, the authors found that providing subjects with frame-of-reference (FOR) training and descriptively anchored rating scales led to substantial increases in rater accuracy and interrater reliability. You can read an in-press version here.

Those of you interested in the concept of core self-evaluations will want to read the study by Ferris, et al.

One area that we don't see enough research in is newcomer adaptation. The longitudinal study by Wang, et al. of a group of Chinese subjects helps fill that hole by exploring the relationship between adaptability, person-environment fit, and work-related outcomes.

Last but most certainly not least, Campion, et al. provide us with a review of best practices in competency modeling. Specifically, 20 of them. Of particular note to you may be that they distinguish competency modeling from job analysis. Want to read the whole thing? Me too! Wish I could have found an in-press version but no such luck.

Sidenote: while not specifically related to recruitment or selection, Christian, et al.'s piece on engagement may be of interest to several readers.

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