Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 2010 TIP and latest EEO Insight

The April 2010 issue of The Industrial/Organizational Psychologist (TIP) is now available here. Let's check out some of what's inside:

- Several great, touching dedications to the late great Frank Landy. I found Rick Jacobs' eulogy particularly moving. My first real job out of graduate school was working for Frank doing research for expert witness testimony. Fabulous experience, amazing individual.

- Joel Wiesen proposes a novel approach to promotional selection in fire department settings.

- A great little article about moving from an I/O position to an HR generalist one. Very timely given all the changes HR departments are experiencing.

- The current status of legal protection for sexual minorities in the workplace

- A great article about the Bridgeport, CT case and why both the media and the city got things wrong.

- A fascinating breakdown of the major activities of I/O consultants v. internal practitioners v. academics. Check out Table 3.

In addition, there's a new issue of EEO Insight with some great content, and one article in particular I'd like to point out: A comprehensive look at how to successfully develop diversity initiatives and testing programs post-Ricci, including the essential elements of a Croson study (see Table 2) and the "strong basis in evidence" standard as applied to several practical examples (Table 3). It's a keeper and starts on page 27.

Some other articles to check out include:

- Strategies for defending and framing the issue of adverse impact in selection

- How to avoid adverse impact when choosing a test

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