Saturday, February 13, 2010

Latest IJSA: Emotional intelligence, multiple-choice formats, and lots more

The March 2010 issue of the International Journal of Selection and Assessment (IJSA) is out, and the research covers a wide variety of recruitment and assessment topics as well as being truly international:

Unproctored internet-based testing (UIT) response distortion may be less than we fear (sample included cognitive and personality measures)

What factors are most important to organizations when choosing a test? This study suggests applicant reaction, cost, and diffusion of the test type in the field.

Personality (esp. core self evaluation) is related to the type of work preferred, and hence P-O fit

Career site features may differentially attract men and women

Corporate images do matter when it comes to organizational attractiveness

Who uses job-search websites and how to improve them (the sites, not the people)

Support for performance-based (as opposed to self-report) measures of emotional intelligence

Work samples, interviews, and ability tests perceived best by employees (why? because they work, say the participants)

...and last but definitely not least:

A "2 of 5" multiple-choice format seems superior than traditional "1 of 6" (you just have to make sure you can score them that way!)

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