Tuesday, February 03, 2009

What's hot in I/O?

You can often get a sense of what's hot in a field by looking at conference presentations or workshops.

Recently I got the registration materials for the 2009 SIOP conference, and it includes a description of the seminars and workshops. Here's a sample:

Frontiers of personality research and practice

Making HR measurement strategic (by the authors of this book)

Reliability, ratings, and reality: Oh my!

Development in place: Leveraging the other 90% of your organization's talent

The future of HR metrics: It's a brave new world

O*NET products and tools: What's new and what's useful for your research and practice (O*NET is here)

Selection of first-line supervisors: What we know

Exploring new frontiers in test security: Approaches for protecting your testing program

Hmmm....sounds like metrics are here! As always, I'm sure the conference will be a great learning and networking opportunity. Feel like going to New Orleans in April?

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