Thursday, January 15, 2009

ATP Conference Feb 22-25

The Association of Test Publishers (ATP)'s annual conference is February 22-25 in Palm Springs, CA and if you have even a passing interest in personnel assessment, you owe it to yourself to check it out.

There's a lot more there besides I/O--they have tracks for education, clinical, and certification/licensure as well--but take a gander at some of these sessions:

Test development in a global economy: A practical guide to best practice in test construction, localization and adaptation.

Innovation and going green: Use of web-enabled technologies in applicant screening.

Developments in innovative technology-based assessments.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, there's tons of great content planned. It even looks like they know how to have a little fun. Cost is $800 for non-members ($725 for members).

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