just released its 2008 Recruiting Metrics and Performance Benchmark Report. From all accounts it's a good source of data, gathered from over 1,000 organizations. It's also $400.
Fortunately, they're releasing details in dribbles through their newsletter. For example:
- Employee referrals are still the most popular recruiting source, followed closely by large job boards. Some of the less used sources include mass media and the military.
- Organizations are increasingly using combination structures--in other words, part of their staffing function is centralized, part is decentralized. The numbers vary greatly depending on industry, with transportation being much more centralized while education is much less so.
- Cost-per-hire varied wildly, from $2,000 (retailing, hospitality) to $16,000 (pharma biotech).
- Same goes with time-to-start, with retailing at 4 weeks and government at 12 weeks, with an average around 7-8 weeks.
- 11% of employers report poor performance among new hires; 20% report superior performance.
- Competition for talent and candidate quality were the two most important issues reported.
- More than 80% of respondents have adopted an ATS but few have a "talent management suite."
You can sign up for their newsletter here. It's one of the shorter, more digestible ones.
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