Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Providing test information helps reactions

Providing applicants with pre-test information and preparation material may not help them pass, but it helps those that don't pass feel better about the process. These were the results of a study by Burns, Siers, and Christiansen reported in the March 2008 issue of the International Journal of Selection and Assessment.

Other articles include:

- An analysis of reactions to selection methods in the Netherlands. Interviews, work samples, and resumes came out on top.

- The development of a new measure of test anxiety, the Self- versus Other-referenced Anxiety Questionnaire.

- A study of validity transport statistics.

- A detailed comparison study of the FIRO-B, an assessment of interpersonal relations.

- A similar study of the PAPI-N, a personality measure.

- A study of how attitudes toward rating systems impact peer rating behavior.

- A look at how well multisource feedback on leadership competencies predicted subsequent interview performance (hint: pay attention to your supervisors and peers).

- Last but not least, a verification that "psychological hardiness" is an important facet related to success in high-stress occupations (in this case, U.S. Army Special Forces).

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