Thursday, October 04, 2007

OPM Introduces Assessment Decision Tool

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) continues to innovate in the area of web-based assessment offerings with the introduction of the Assessment Decision Tool.

This interactive application allows you to enter competencies required for a particular position for seven occupational groups, including:

- Clerical/technical
- Human resources
- IT
- Leadership occupations
- Professional/administrative
- Science/engineering
- Trades/labor

After entering in this information, the system will create a matrix that identifies which assessment tools would be the best fit for each competency, then gives you totals so you can see which methods might be best overall. These matches were identified by a panel of OPM psychologists who specialize in personnel assessment.

The final step is the generation of a comprehensive report that summarizes the position competencies, assessment matches, and information about each assessment method. There is also a reference section for those wishing to investigate further. The report can be downloaded in HTML format and OPM is working on PDF functionality as well.

A great idea that automates competency-exam linkages that many assessment professionals do routinely. Now if they can just have the system create the actual tests...

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