Friday, June 29, 2007

New SIOP Journal in 2008

In 2008 SIOP will begin publishing its own scholarly journal, Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice.

Here are the vitals:

Cost: Free to members (unknown fee for nonmembers)

Editor: Dr. Paul Sackett

Focus: Articles will cover basic science, applied science, practice, public policy, and (most likely) a blend.

Format: Focal article-peer response. Each article will be followed by 8-10 responses. From the website: "[Peer responses] could challenge or critique the original article, expand on issues not addressed in the focal article, or draw out implications not developed in the focal article. The goal is to include commentaries from various perspectives, including science, practice, and international perspectives. These commentaries will be followed by a response from the original author of the focal paper."

Publisher: Blackwell (which hopefully means we'll have online access)

The first two article abstracts are available here, with members having full access:

The meaning of employee engagement - Macey and Schneider (a particularly hot topic)

Why assessment centers don't work the way they're supposed to - Lance

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