Friday, April 13, 2007

New Whetzel & Wheaton Applied Measurement Book

Deborah Whetzel and George Wheaton's 1997 book, Applied measurement methods in industrial psychology was extremely dog-ear worthy, with wonderfully practical material by a variety of well-known authors on topics such as job analysis, interviews, low-fidelity simulations, and rating job performance.

Their updated volume, Applied measurement: Industrial psychology in human resource management, promises to be equally worthy of a place in your library. Dr. Whetzel presented an overview at last year's IPMAAC conference, and the book is due out tomorrow.

So what's inside? More great material by experts in our field. Here's a sample of content areas covered:

- Job analysis

- Measurement plans

- Cognitive ability

- Training & experience measures (new to this volume)

- Interviews

- Background data (biodata)

- Situational judgment tests

- Assessment centers (new)

- Performance measurement

- Test validation

- Developing legally defensible content valid selection procedures (new)

Price? All that for a very reasonable $39.95. I think I might have to pick one up!


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Bryan -- Thanks for pointing out this great bargain. "Applied Measurement" lists on Amazon for $110. You just saved me $70! Now I'll be able to afford that River Boat Cruise at the IPMAAC Conference in June.

  2. Glad I was able to support the St. Louis economy!
