Wednesday, April 04, 2007

IPMAAC Conference Registration Open

Registration is now open for the 31st annual IPMAAC Conference in St. Louis on June 10-13.

Along with the annual SIOP conference, this is THE professional event to attend to learn about innovations, best practices, and the latest research in personnel assessment.



- Dr. Wayne Cascio on Do employee behaviors matter? Some economic effects.

- Dr. Robert Hogan on What we know about leadership.

- Dr. Nancy Tippins on Unproctored testing.

Pre-conference workshops:

- Using logic-based testing to develop powerful measures of reasoning ability.
- Oral examinations.

- Examination planning.

- Situational judgment test: Development and applications.

- Adverse impact: Pitfalls, Pollyanna, and practical advice for practitioners.

Unlike some conferences, IPMAAC is very doable--there are a lot of presentations but you can generally hit most that you're really interested in. Another benefit? It's cheap. Registration is only $345 for IPMAAC members, $445 for non-members. Still not convinced? Take a look at some of the presentations from previous annual conferences.

I'll post more about the content when the full program is published. Registration brochure is here. Highly recommended!

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