Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Conference Board reports online job ad statistics

The Conference Board has released an analysis of U.S. online job advertising trends for January of 2007 and it's got some really juicy numbers for us.


- There were 3,141,800 vacancies posted online, a drop of 6% from December of 2006 (primarily seasonal). This includes nearly 2 million jobs that were not posted in the previous month.

- California had the largest drop by far in posted vacancies--not surprising given that it is the state with the largest labor market and the highest overall number of job postings (532,000 in January).

- Over the entire year there was an increase of 12% in the number of postings.

- Maine and Oklahoma outpaced other states with the largest increase in posted vacancies over the last year (+68% and +50%, respectively).

-Four states -- Hawaii, Virginia, Delaware, and Utah -- had more advertisements than job seekers (!). Top cities in this category include Washington DC, Salt Lake City, and San Jose.

- Occupations in the highest demand were Management, Business and finance, Office and admin support, Computer and mathematical, and Healthcare. With the exception of Office jobs, these are also some of the highest paid jobs available.

- New York and Los Angeles had the highest number of posted vacancies.

This is just the tip of the iceberg--the report includes voluminous information breaking these numbers down. Good stuff.

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